Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25-29, 2011

April 25, 2011

žIt’s a Friday afternoon and unfortunately you have to stay late after school to make up a test. You walk out the door only to realize you’ve left your backpack in the gym. Luckily, you find an unlocked door. Then, you are even luckier to find the gym doors wide open. You run in and hear the doors slam behind you. The lights turn off. The doors won’t open. What happens next. (1/2 page)

April 26, 2011

žWill humans ever settle another planet? Why or why not? (half-page)

April 27, 2011
žPeople aren’t perfect, but even with all their flaws, they bring much happiness to my life. I am grateful for the following people… I love them because… (1/2 page)

April 28, 2011
žWhat are five things that make you nervous or uncomfortable? (1/2 page)

April 29, 2011

žHave you ever felt like a dream was trying to tell you something or send you an important message? What was the dream and what message did you come away with?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 18-April 22

April 18, 2011
Think of three events in your life when you felt like you didn’t give it your best shot. If you could go back and change one of them, which one would it be? What did you learn from the situation?

April 19, 2011
When I woke up this morning, the first thing on my mind was...

April 20, 2011
How can bad experiences in our life make us more empathetic? Write about a tough experience that has made you less judgmental, kinder, or more tolerant toward others experiencing the same situation.

April 21, 2011
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Or perhaps a realist? Describe your general outlook on life. Are you happy with it?

April 22, 2011
Write about one of your long-term goals.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 11-April 13 Journal

April 11, 2011

Someday I truly hope that…(13 lines)

April 12, 2011
The one person that truly knows me is…(13 lines)

April 13, 2011
If I could create a new drink product it would be… Write a five line description of the product and draw a picture of the can or bottle.

April 14, 2011
If I could renovate any room in my house it would be my __________________________. Draw a picture of the new layout. Write five lines describing the features of the new room.

April 15, 2011
“Desperately Seeking…”
Pretend you have to write a personal ad about yourself to place in a teen dating advertisement. Describe yourself in a positive manner in at least six lines. Include physical, intellectual, and social characteristics. (6 lines)

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 4th -8th Journal

April 4, 2011

Write about your Spring Break experiences. What was good about it? What was bad? (1/2 page)

April 5, 2011

Write a story using the following words: rat, elusive, tongue depressor, lunch, and hang nail.

April 6, 2011

Write a ten line poem about hunger that has an example of a simile, metaphor, alliteration, hyperbole, and oxymoron.

April 7, 2011

The lightening danced across the night sky as I searched for…

April 8, 2011

A wave crashed against the rocky beach--the roar was ominously deafening. I put my hand against the window almost expecting to feel the sea spray on my fingertips. A knock sounded at the door…