Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 26-30, 2012

March 26, 2012

Write about the most memorable thing that happened over spring break. (12 lines)

March 27, 2012

Write about anything that comes to mind when you think of the word “trust”.

March 28, 2012

Write about a memory you have from kindergarten to third grade.

March 29, 2012

Write about an argument you had with someone in the past year.

March 30, 2012

Write about anything that comes to mind when you think of the word “anticipation”.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12-16, 2012

March 12. 2012

It is common for students to have their lockers searched. What do you think about this policy? Is it fair to have your locker searched without your knowledge? Do you think the locker belongs to you, or the school? (12 lines—margin to margin)

March 13, 2012

Curfews vary among kids. Some kids have different curfews on week nights than they do weekends. Some have extended curfews as they get older. Some have no curfews at all. Write about your curfew. Would it be easier if all kids had the same curfew? (12 lines, margin to margin)

March 14, 2012

Some charter and private schools require parents to volunteer in their child’s school a couple of hours a week. These schools argue that parents who are involved in education care more about their students’ grades. Would you like your parent to volunteer in your class? Why or why not? What classes would you like them to visit/not visit? (12 lines, margin to margin).

March 15, 2012

Term three is almost over and term four is just beginning. Write about something memorable from third term. (12 lines, margin to margin).

March 16, 2012

Write a descriptive paragraph about spring. (12 lines, margin to margin)

Vocabulary Lists for March 12, 2012 test

11th Grade List


auger-- a drill

augment-- increase, make larger

clamor -- a loud uproar

countenance-- to face up to

equivocate-- to use unclear speech in order to mislead or stall

husbandry-- the management of domestic affairs

incarnadine-- to make blood-red, crimson

infirm-- unsound, invalid

knell-- summon or announce with a bell

lechery-- unrestrained sexual desire

palpable--capable of being touched or felt

prate--to talk foolishly

pretense-- the act of pretending

repose-- peace, tranquility, clam

sacrilegious-- violation of the sacred

sentinel-- soldier who stands guard

surfeit-- overabundance, excess

thriftless -- useless or pointless

wrought-- produced

10th Grade List
1. mart--trade
2. rouse--to toast before drink
3. beteem- allow
4. cap-a-pie-- head to foot
5. primy-- in prime time
6. crescent--flourishing
7. thews--muscular power
8. cautel--deception
9. habit--clothing
10. husbandry--management of money

9th Grade List
1. precluded-prevented
2. impunity-freedom from punishment
3. retribution-punishment
4. immolation--destruction
5. connoisseurship--expert knowledge
6. impose--take advantage of
7. recoiling--moving backward as if in fear
8. endeavored--tried
9. obstinate--stubborn
10. succession--series

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 5-9, 2012

March 5, 2012

Write about something that makes you anxious. Describe the feeling of anxiety and worry. (12 lines)

March 6, 2012

Describe the best memory you have with your family. (12 lines)

March 7, 2012

Write an acrostic poem using two seasons. Pick from winter, spring, autumn, or summer.

March 8, 2012

Write about a disappointment. (12 lines)

March 9, 2012

When I'm a parent I will never...(12 lines)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February 29-March 2nd


February 29, 2012
Today is the day you'll get to do something you won't have a chance to do for another four years. How you are going to make this day count? (12 lines)

The Crocodile*

by Jack Prelutsky

Beware the crafty crocodile

who beckons you with clever smile

to join him in the river Nile

and swim with him a little while.

His smile is not a friendly smile,

it springs from his dishonest guile

and treacherous reptilian style.

Beware the crafty crocodile.

Write a poem that has the same number of lines (8) and has the same rhyming scheme (a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a) entitled "Beware of Boys" or "Beware of Girls". What things do we need to watch out for?


I wish my friends would understand ____________________ about me. (12 lines)