Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 4-October 8 Journal Prompts

October 4, 2010

Super Powers
Superheroes have it pretty good. Sure, a lot of them are lonely and misunderstood, but, as compensation, they can create massive storms at will, or fly, or shoot swords out of their fingers. If you could have any power, what would you choose, and why? What would you do with your power (10 lines). In addition, draw your superhero costume.

Deserted Island

Suppose you will be stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean for ten years. You will be allowed to bring one of each of the following: book, movie, CD, food item, drink item, piece of clothing, and one miscellaneous item. List one item you would bring from each category, and explain why you chose it. (10 lines)

"Fly on the Wall"

You know what you think about your friends, but what do they think about you? If you could eavesdrop on them talking about you, what do you think you would hear? Who would defend you? Who would criticize you most vigorously? (10 lines)

Parents: Say what?

When you're young, it seems like parents have some kind of official handbook that tells them everything they need to know about the adult world. At some point, however, you realize they're winging it, just like everyone else; they don't really have all the answers. Write about a specific instance when you realized your parents were confused, irrational, scared, or lost. How did you feel at that moment? (10 lines)


On My Headstone
An epitaph is a sometimes humorous saying or poem engraved on a headstone. For example:
Here lies the body of our Anna
Done to death by a banana;
It wasn't the fruit that laid her low
But the skin of the thing that made her go.

What epitaph would you want on your headstone? Would it be funny? Sweet? Serious? Write a draft of your epitaph (must be a least 4 lines).

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