Monday, January 30, 2012

Journal January 20-Feb 3, 2012

January 30, 2012

Write a 12 line rhyming or unrhyming poem about any of the following topics: never giving up, friendship, hate, or love. Write one in your journal. Copy that poem and hand it in.

January 31, 2012

Who would you call?

Say you had only minutes to live and you were able to call one person. Who would that person be and what would you say? (12 lines)

February 1, 2012

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you like what you see? Do you like the person you are on the outside? Do you like who you are on the inside? What would you change if you could? (12 lines)

February 2, 2012

Choose one of these topics to write about and fill in the blanks accordingly. Write about how you felt then and how you feel now.

The future

“When I was young, I thought that _______________ was (were) ________________, but now that I am older I see that….” (12 lines total)

February 3, 2012

People in love often proclaim that they are one with their boyfriend or girlfriend or that they think about their beloved all the time. Have you ever felt this way or known others who have? Do you think that feeling can be sustained, or is it just the excitement of a new relationship? (12 lines)

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