Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 3-7 2011

January 3, 2011
Today is the first school day of 2011.

Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? If so, what were they?

If you haven’t made any New Year’s Resolutions, take a minute and make some now. What goals do you have for the year to come. (Half-page)

January 4, 2011

You’ve grown up and are the proud owner of a grocery store. One day you catch a high school student stealing from you. When you talk to him, he doesn’t seem sorry at all. How do you handle the situation (1/2 page).

January 5, 2010

¢Fill in the blanks.
1. Happiness is the color ______________ because___________________.
2. Anger looks like a ______________________ because _____________________________.
3. Love feels like ___________________ because it __________________________________.
4. Sorrow is a ____________________________________________.
5. Commitment is like a ____________________.

January 6, 2011
¢Do you think it is important to travel, why or why not? (3 lines)
¢Do you think it is important to learn about other cultures, why or why not? (3 lines)
¢Should students be required to learn a foreign language, why or why not? (3 lines)
¢If you were going to visit another country, which one would it be ? Why? (3 lines)
January 7, 2011
It’s your lucky day! You’ve found a magic wand. Trouble is, you only get to have the wand for an hour. Once you perform your first bit of magic, your time runs out in sixty minutes.
What hour would you choose to use the wand? What would you do with the wand?

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