November 1, 2010
Eric leaned back on his plastic cafeteria chair. He scanned his surroundings and sighed at all the familiar faces. "Same stuff, different day," he muttered to himself. It was always the same here at Monroe High School. Nothing interesting ever happened. He heard the crackle of the loud speaker as Sarah, the extra-perky office aide, read today's announcements. More sport practices after school. Play auditions in the auditorium...whatever....blah, blah, blah. Then, all at once the room grew eerily quiet. The usually exuberant voices died down and everyone turned their astonished eyes toward the school's large windows. Eric couldn't believe it. Choking a little on his Mt. Dew, Eric's chair slammed down on the floor. It was a magical moment. There, just outside the window on the brown grass was....( 13 lines)
November 2, 2010
When you confide in a friend, you hope he or she will keep your secrets. Do you think there are some secrets you should not keep for a friend? Or do you think that it's always better to keep your promise and tell no one about your friend's secret, even if someone else may be in danger? (13 lines)
November 3, 2010
" If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And...why are you waiting?"--Stephen Levine
Answer Levine's questions as openly and honestly as you can? If you could tell ONE person ONE thing, what would you tell them?
Why not tell them now?
(13 lines)
November 4, 2010
"Man in the Mirror"
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you like what you see? What, if anything, would you change?
If someone else were to describe you, what would they say?
(13 lines)
November 5, 2010
Do you believe you are generally an honest person? Do you find yourself telling people what they want to hear, rather than how you really feel? Are you willing to lie a little if you need to make an excuse? Or, are you really blunt? Do you tell the truth, even if it will annoy people?
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